
Your heart

As a person ages, the heart undergoes subbtle physiologic changes,
even in the absence of disease.

The muscles of the aged heart may relax less completely between beats,
as a result the pumping chambers become stiffer and may work less
efficiently, especially if special cardiac diseases are present.

In old age, the heart may also not pump as vigorously or as effectively as it once did.

The older heart also becomes less responsive to adrenaline and cannot increase the strength or rate of its contractions during excercise to the same extent it could in youth. The heart just can t get enough blood out to muscles to supply them with adequate oxygen.

The decline is not likely to be of great importance, but when another condition affects the heart, these age-related changes may compound
the problem or its treatment.

The vascular system, too, experiences gradual changes over the decades.

Taking care of your heart starts with a healthy heart diet.

Another way to reduce your risk is to develop an exercise program.

It is also very important to make lifestyle changes.

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